What is PRP?
Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is an advanced treatment used to help repair damaged tissues in your body. The minimally invasive procedure accelerates your body’s own natural healing. Platelets in your bood release growth factors which increase vascularization to tissues and promote cell growth. Collagen is produced, skin elasticity is improved, and the ability to retain moisture is restored. 

How DOES PRP work?
PRP Treatment is simple and can be completed in less than one hour. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient in a special test tube that separates out red blood cells and neutrophils. It is then spun in a centrifuge for 5 minutes. The remaining plasma with concentrated platelets is reinjected into the body.

What does PRP do?
PRP is used cosmetically for the following: PRP Facial and PRP Facelift, baldness and hair regrowth, fine wrinkles around the eyes, bags and dark circles under the eyes, cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, acne scars, back of hands and arms.

PRP FACIAL AND FACELIFT: Topical numbing cream is applied. PRP is then either injected into the face with a fine gauge syringe, or rubbed onto the face before and after a micro needle roller is used. The PRP will then sink into the layers of the skin where collagen growth will occur. This procedure will make you look years younger!

SKIN TONE/SCARRING/FINE LINES: PRP can be used to inject into specific areas of the face to rejuvenate the skin and give a more youthful appearance. When injected into wrinkles, a glow and lift will be achieved, as well as long term tissue healing.

BALDING AND HAIR REGROWTH: Increasing studies are showing PRP is beneficial to stop hair loss, increase hair density, and regrow hair. PRP is injected into the scalp after a numbing cream is used.

After consultation, your doctor will determine the area of the scalp to be injected. Spot treatments or full scalp.