Acne occurs when your pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Our skin has oil glands which secrete an oily substance known as sebum to lubricate your hair and skin. When your body produces an excess amount of sebum and dead skin cells, the two can build up in the hair follicles and form together as a soft plug, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive. This plug may cause the follicle wall to bulge and produce a whitehead. Or, the plug may be open to the surface and may darken, causing a blackhead. Pimples are raised red spots with a white center that develop when blocked hair follicles become inflamed or infected. Blockages and inflammation that develop deep inside hair follicles produce lumps beneath the surface of your skin called cysts. Acne is a very common skin issue that can affect people of all ages, not just teenagers! The impact acne has on a patient’s psychological and emotional well-being cannot be overstated, especially if it is severe and occurs in adolescence.

How do you treat acne? Control of Acne is an ongoing process, and we offer a number of treatments all of which work to prevent new acne breakouts. Consistency and patience on the part of the patient are typically required as it can take time to find the exact regimen that works for you. There are many different ways to treat acne and the same approach will not work for everyone. Our providers can help determine the cause of your acne and develop a customized treatment plan that suits your skin and lifestyle.